
Sara Klockars, PharmD, BCPS

Sara Klockars, PharmD, BCPS is an Associate Editor at Prescriber Insights and Pharmacist’s Letter. She earned her PharmD degree from Ohio Northern University. She then completed two years of clinical pharmacy residency at the Medical University of South Carolina. Prior to coming to Prescriber Insights and Pharmacist’s Letter in 2019, Sara was a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Kaiser Permanente Colorado working alongside prescribers and pharmacists in an integrated healthcare system. She spent 12 years as part of the Primary Care team and built a practice in Dermatology, where she practiced for 4 years prior to joining TRC. In addition to dermatology, Sara’s professional interests include pharmacist and prescriber education, promoting evidence-based, cost-effective care, and other specialty pharmacy areas (rheumatology, gastroenterology, etc).